Extra! Extra! Don’t Kill the Messenger – Migrating to Stay Alive
University of Oregon, Erb Memorial Union Ballroom
University of Oregon Global Justice Program
University of Oregon UNESCO Crossings Institute for Intercultural Dialogue
Event Summary

Extra! Journalists continue to be murdered for their work in Mexico while their killers enjoy impunity from punishment.
Extra! Increasing numbers of journalists covering wars in Ukraine and Gaza are being killed in action.
Extra! Russian journalists are self-exiling to stay alive.
The University of Oregon-UNESCO Crossings Institute and the Global Justice Program at the University of Oregon are pleased to announce Extra! Extra! Don’t Kill the Messenger—Migrating to Stay Alive, a public program designed to improve understanding of the impact of news reporting on conflict and the impact of conflict on news reporting. The first weekend of April, 2024, the Crossings Institute will host a symposium bringing refugee journalists, writers in exile, and scholars of journalism to the Eugene UO campus for talks and workshops with the university and wider Oregon community. Threatened journalists speak. Examples of successful reporting despite extreme dangers are presented. Graphic documentation of attacks on journalists is displayed. Interludes of music and poetry stimulate contemplation, reflection, and discussion. Informal coffees, receptions and dinners afford one-to-one exchanges and connections. UO journalism students report from off-campus Oregon how the journalism crises in Mexico impacts migrant communities in Oregon and they bring their dispatches back for presentation to conferees. A student reported and written summary of the four-day event, with recommended strategies for ongoing engagement, is to be published and distributed following the conference.
“Extra! Extra! Read all about it,” newsboys of yore yelled to passersby.
At the Extra! symposium the risks taken to tell those stories are exemplified while strategies for change of the status quo are studied and developed.
Event Themes and Times
Thursday, April 4
1:00 – 7:30 PM
From Kabul to Harare
Friday, April 5th
8:30 AM – 7:30 PM
South of the Border/Elotoro Lado
Saturday, April 6th
8:30 AM – 6:00 PM
Our Own Backyard
Sunday, April 7th
9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Confirmed Speakers
- An Afghani Writer-in-Exile PEN Center Germany
- Julia Boboc, University of Oregon Journalism student
- Javier Borelli, host of a news show on an Argentinean TV Channel
- Chris Chávez, University of Oregon Director, Center for Latina/o and Latin American Studies
- Alex Cole, Vice President of External Affairs, Internews and Adjunct Professor of Communications, Georgetown University
- Katherine Corcoran, former Associated Press bureau chief for Mexico and Central America. Author of In the Mouth of the Wolf: A Murder, a Cover-up, and the True Cost of Silencing the Press
- Charlie Dietz. Instructor, University of Oregon and student reporter Managing Editor
- Tim DuRoche, World Oregon Program Director
- David Frank, Professor Emeritus, University of Oregon
- Dennis Galvan, Dean and Vice Provost Division of Global Engagement and Professor of Global Studies and Political Science, University of Oregon
- Juan de Dios García Davish, Mexican Journalist
- Farai Gonzo, Professor, Centennial College, Scholars at Risk
- Jan-Albert Hootsen, Committee for the Protection of Journalists Mexico
- Jeff Kamen, Emmy Award winning reporter, photographer, news anchor and documentary filmmaker
- Wonkak Kim, Associate Professor of Clarinet, University of Oregon
- Markos Kounalakis, Author, publisher, journalist, and scholar. Author of Spin Wars and Spy Games and Freedom Isn’t Free
- Kimberley Mangun (UO ’05), Associate Professor Emerita of Communication, University of Utah; author A Force for Change: Beatrice Morrow Cannady and the Struggle for Civil Rights in Oregon, 1912-1936
- Juan-Carlos Molleda, Dean School of Journalism and Communication, University of Oregon
- Dan Morrison, Veteran war correspondent, Professor of Practice, University of Oregon
- Kate Musgrave, UNESCO’s International Programme for the Development of Communication
- María de Jesús Peters, Mexican Journalist
- Mario Ponce, University of Oregon Journalism Student
- Kim Stafford (UO ’72 and ’79), Oregon Poet Laureate
- Astrid Vehstedt, Vice President and Writers-in-Exile officer PEN Center Germany
- Murrows Fellowship Journalists
- Daniela Romero Linares, editor-in-chief, Daily Pagina Siete, Bolivia
- Patricia Claudia Soruco Cusi, periodista independiente de investigación, Bolivia
- Maria Belen Mendoza Mendoza, journalist: OromarTv and Primicias, Ecuador
- Carlos Rodrigo Estrada, editor and coordinator, Plaza Pública, Guatemala
- Leon Cantella, journalist: Press and Society Institute and Los Angeles Times, Peru
- Natalia Uval, journalist, La Diaria, Uruguay
- Joelnix Boada, journalist, Correo del Caroni, Venezuela
- Grisha Susej Vera, journalist, Venezuela
Event Organizers
Peter Laufer, Professor, James N. Wallace Chair of Journalism, Elly Vandegrift, Meaghan Bogart, Ruby Wool, Sabrina Samuel, Erik Steiner, Eden McCall
Extra! Extra! Staff and Support
Elly Vandegrift, Program Director Global Science Education Initiatives, Global Studies Institute
Meaghan Bogart, Global Engagement Program Coordinator, Global Studies Institute
Ruby Wool, Sabrina Samuel, Erik Steiner, Eden McCall, Steven Asbury, Sofie Silva, Joel Korin, Hoda Sobahni, Jordan Freeman, and Sung Park.
More Information: UO Events Page