Global Resources
This organization is a collaboration between American citizens and Sudanese U.S. residents who work toward ending genocide and mass atrocities from occurring within the country of Sudan while seeking civil, political, and economic rights for it’s people. (@actforsudan)
The Alliance for Peacebuilding works toward creating peace and freedom for all people without resorting to acts of violence. They look to use diplomatic acts of negotiation, mediation and informal dialogue to secure world peace. (@AfPeacebuilding)
The work of the Auschwitz Institute represents a challenge to Albert Einstein’s statement of 1934: “The brotherhood of the well-intentioned exists even though it is impossible to organize it anywhere.” The Auschwitz Institute is creating a network of policymakers with the tools and commitment to prevent genocide. (@GenPrev)
The Carnegie Council for International Affairs is a nonpartisan, educational resource for those working in international affairs and is also available for the public worldwide. The council embodies Andrew Carnegie’s two great philanthropicinterests: educational opportunity and the peaceful resolution of conflict. (@carnegiecouncil)
Paul Slovic is the president of Decision Research, which is a non-profit research organization investigating human judgment, decision-making, and risk
The Enough Project fights to end genocide and crimes against humanity, focused on areas where some of the world’s worst atrocities occur. Enough is based in Washington, DC, and works with concerned citizens, advocates, and policy makers to prevent, mitigate, and resolve crises of genocide and crimes against humanity. (@EnoughProject)
This site links to published research briefs as well as advocacy writings on Sudan by Eric Reeves. There are also links to a number of Reeves’ formal publications in newspapers, news magazines, academic journals, and human rights publications, as well as the texts of his Congressional testimony.
Facing History and Ourselves is an organization that works to instill intellectual vigor and curiosity in the world’s secondary school students, by providing ideas and tools that support the needs of teachers. Independent, critical thinking is at the heart of a free society, and adolescence is the time to develop those skills. (@FacingHistory)
This page contains the ten stages of genocide according to Dr. Gregory Stanton, the President of Genocide Watch. (@genocide_watch)
Operation Broken Silence believes that sustainable political advocacy can empower the United States government and international organizations to push for a permanent peace and justice in Sudan. On their site you can learn more about how to get involved with their projects as well as learn more about what they are working on right now. (@OBSilence)
Prevent Genocide International, established in 1998, is a global education and action network for the prevention of genocide and crimes against humanity.
United to End Genocide is building the largest activist organization in America dedicated to preventing and ending genocide and mass atrocities worldwide. Here is how they work: They sound the alarm and demand action, they follow the money and connect and mobilize voices. (@EndGenocide)
The Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide acts as a catalyst to raise awareness of the causes and dynamics of genocide, to alert relevant actors where there is a risk of genocide, and to advocate and mobilize for appropriate action.
This site focuses on the education of the Holocaust that took place during World War II but also looks to educate those so history does not repeat itself. On this site you can learn about the Holocaust, remember the Survivors and Victims and also learn about genocide and antisemitism. (@HolocaustMuseum)