We are proud to announce the new Global Justice Program (GJP) Request for Proposals. The GJP, funded by the Savage Endowment for International Relations and Peace, aims to bring outstanding national and international experts to the University of Oregon campus, whose service on campus will enhance the educational offerings of the university in the fields of humanities and social sciences, focusing primarily on the international relations, peace, and the United Nations.
All UO TTF and NTTF faculty; schools and departments (with Dean or Dept. head support); graduate students (MA or PhD); and student-led organizations are invited to apply.
The total funds available for disbursement in the two-year program cycle equal roughly $150,000 total or $75,000 per year (award amounts may vary). Complete applications should be received by November 15, 2019, and awardees will be notified no later than December 15, 2019.
All GJP proposals will be reviewed by the new faculty committee which consists of interdisciplinary university faculty and at least one staff member of the University of Oregon’s Division of Global Engagement. While the faculty committee is open to all applications that address the broad topics supported by the Savage Endowment (international relations, peace, or the United Nations), in this cycle the GJP Committee will heavily consider programs that address current crises over borders (including, but not limited to questions of immigration, citizenship, refugees, and dynamics of inclusion and exclusion). Proposals related to border crises must fit within general GJP program emphases of international relations, peace, or the United Nations.
We encourage all interested parties to apply for the 2019-2021 cycle. Completed applications should be emailed to Cathy Method, Special Assistant to the Dean and Vice Provost for Global Engagement, at method@uoregon.edu by November 15, 2019.
Specific questions or feedback regarding the RFP can be directed to Will Johnson, Assistant Vice Provost of Operations and Innovation at williamj@uoregon.edu or to Dennis Galvan, Dean and Vice Provost for Global Engagement at dgalvan@uoregon.edu.